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Kanopy It Chapter Two Download Torrent

It Chapter Two Kanopy



Audience score: 173233 vote; Duration: 169minute; director: Andy Muschietti; Actor: Bill Hader; ; 7,2 of 10






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It Chapter Two Download torrentfreak. Okay so there were some good parts to this movie, but also some awfully ill-advised things the movie-makers chose to do, which were a deal-breaker for me.
The foul language especially near the beginning was a turn-off, and a lazy creative lack of good dialog. Needing to hear the F-word 800 times in 1/2 hour isn"t really necessary. I thought I was watching a Quentin Tarrintino movie.
Seeing a vicious bloody gay-bashing was disturbing and unnecessarily, the over-the-top brutality of it did nothing for the plot. Seeing that in the first 5 minutes of the film made me, as a gay man, more disturbed and troubled than any of the jumpy scary points later on in the movie.
That said, it was a poor judgment call showing 2 gay guys openly kissing each other passionately for a lingering minute shortly after the movie starts. As much as it pains me to say it, some of Middle America is just not ready for that yet. I heard audible groans in the theatre behind me when that scene came on-screen, like bunches of people saying ew; and stuff.
Granted this was a backwoods small-town theatre, so lots of ignorance there, but that"s one thing Hollywood will never understand in their liberal bubble: they assume 100% of the audience seeing the movie will be totally fine with 2 men kissing on the lips within the first 5 mintues of the flim. The flim-makers just can"t comprehend how anyone could ever have a problem with that, but unfortunately even in this day and age, they do. So quit trying to shove that agenda in everyone"s face; stick to the movie"s plot and important points instead. And yes I realize Adrian and his BF were in the book, I"ve read it a half-dozen times over the years.
The ending was lame too, no surprise there. what, did they insult the spider to death? Kind of anti-climactic. The other thing that made me dislike this film was its length. So indulgent of these Hollywood film-makers, putting out a nearly 3-hour movie (which yes I did know it ahead of time) but it really seemed to drag in certain spots. The first half of "It" from last year was definitely better than the 2nd, sorry.


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It Chapter Two - by flixdictacon, June 05, 2020
9.4/ 10stars